Bounty Hunting – TechKranti CyberSecurity Revolution Mon, 30 Dec 2024 19:58:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 169658937 Why are there so many OPTIONS requests in my Proxy History: All about pre-flight requests Mon, 30 Dec 2024 19:58:55 +0000 Understanding the WHY behind technological concepts is extremely important to understanding the concept at a fundamental level.

Numerous concepts in the Web Security field often get ignored because of their apparent complexities.

One such concept is “Pre-flight Requests”.

Straightforward concept, but often ignored.

Let me ask you: Do you know what pre-flight requests are?

If you answered “Yes”, kudos to you.

If you answered “No”, let me ask you a follow-up question.

Have you seen those seemingly useless OPTIONS requests in your Burp Proxy History when testing web applications?

These pesky OPTIONS requests are the answer to the earlier question. These are pre-flight requests.

But, why do you see them so often in your proxy history? What purpose do they serve?

Before diving into understanding pre-flight requests, you should understand the concept of CORS well. If you do not understand, here’s a link to my previous post that will help you understand the fundamentals of CORS.

Now, let’s dive into pre-flight requests.

During Javascript execution, when your browser sees a cross-origin request, it does not just send the request immediately.

A cross-origin request by definition violates the Same Origin Policy.

However, since the introduction of CORS, browsers have been updated to validate the destination server’s CORS policy before sending or dropping the request.

So, how exactly does the browser check the destination server’s CORS policy?

That’s where the pre-flight request comes into play. If you ponder over the name “pre-flight”, you can get a sense of what it means.

This name comes from the aviation terminology “pre-flight check”, which is a series of inspections that a pilot performs before each flight to ensure the aircraft is safe to operate.

Similarly, the browser performs an inspection of the request before sending it, to ensure that SOP is not violated.

So, what does this pre-flight OPTIONS request contain?

  1. The pre-flight request is sent to the same endpoint where the subsequent request is going to be sent
  2. Additionally, the request contains what METHOD is going to be requested,
  3. what non-standard headers are going to be sent in the request, and
  4. what’s the current Origin

The remote server can form a pre-flight response customized to every pre-flight request or it can serve a standard response for all pre-flight requests.

In response to the pre-flight requests, the remote server tells the browser:

  1. What origins it is willing to accept requests from (Access-Control-Allow-Origin),
  2. what methods it is willing to accept in cross-origin requests (Access-Control-Allow-Methods),
  3. what headers are OK to be sent in cross-origin requests (Access-Controls-Allow-Headers), and
  4. most importantly, whether the browser should automatically attach cookies to cross-origin requests (Access-Control-Allow-Credentials).

If the subsequent cross-origin request matches the conditions mentioned in the pre-flight response, the browser gets a green signal to send out the request.

If any of the condition violates the cross-origin request supposed to be sent, the browser will throw an error and drop the subsequent request.

That’s pre-flight requests in a nutshell.

But, hold on, that’s not all. Pre-flight requests are not always sent. There are some exceptions to the above rule.

But, that’s a topic for another day. If you are curious, go ahead and google “Simple requests v/s pre-flighted requests”.

BurpSuite Setup For An Optimal Hacking Experience Tue, 29 Aug 2023 19:20:45 +0000 Proficiency Level: Beginner

If you are like me, you would always have Burp running in the background. I rarely close Burp. I use different browsers for my work-related stuff and a different browser for hacking. So, Burp only gets engaged when I am using the hacking browser. Nonetheless, it keeps running in the background like an honest minion.

Unfortunately, I am forced to close Burp when updating MacOS or updating Burp itself. When Burp is up and running again, I always perform some configurations on it which provides me an optimal hacking experience. This configuration enables me to concentrate on my target app and filters away the noise. Let’s dive into what these configuration options are:

1. Set the Scope

It all starts with scope. Why is scope important? For starters, scope allows you to perform filtering in your Proxy History, Interception, and the powerful Burp search. If you do not have the scope clearly defined in your Burp configuration, your proxy history will be cluttered with requests being sent to analytics endpoints, marketing endpoints, error logging services, and whatnot. Well, there may be scenarios, where these requests may be of interest to you, but the majority of the time, you would want to focus on requests being generated by application logic.

Here’s how I like to set my scope:

Target > Scope Settings > Check Use advanced scope control > Add > Add part of the hostname in the Host field

You can also have multiple hosts defined in this scope, but you can choose to check one of them for the current application you are testing:

2. Show only in-scope items

Now that you have defined your scope above, it’s time to put it to good use. Your Proxy History is a treasure trove of information. To understand how your app interacts with the server, it is necessary to look at the Proxy History and develop a mental flowchart of how the app talks to the server. If the history is cluttered with unimportant requests such as analytics/error loggers, marketing pings, and heartbeat pings, it’s difficult to focus on the flow.

Here’s how you can set the proxy history to only include in-scope requests:

HTTP History > Filter > Check Show only in-scope items

3. Intercept only if URL is in target scope

Request Interception is the best feature offered by local proxy tools such as Burp. But isn’t it annoying when you have to click the Forward request button a dozen times before the request you are looking for finally appears? I have faced this annoyance and I still see people going through this pain every day. When I see someone continually clicking Forward to reach their request of interest, I just feel like snatching the machine from their control and helping them become more optimized. Many a time, you will accidentally forward your request of interest while you are continually clicking Forward trying to wade through the noise. De-clutter. Cut the noise by telling Burp to only intercept when the host is headed to the domain in your scope. Here’s how you can configure this:

HTTP History > Proxy Settings > Under request interception rules, check the last item:
"AND URL is in target scope"

4. Disable Websockets Interception

Interception gets more annoying when you add websocket traffic to the mix. Websockets are noisy because they send data in small chunks and they continuously send data to the server. This noisy traffic makes it difficult to focus on the vulnerability that you are about to exploit. Here’s how you can disable websocket traffic from being intercepted:

HTTP History > Proxy Settings > Under websocket interception rules, uncheck all items

That’s a wrap! I hope this post makes your hacking experience just a little better.

Delete IDOR on a Fashion eCommerce Website Wed, 26 Aug 2020 17:21:37 +0000 Yes, another IDOR. I find a lot of IDORs. It’s my favourite class of bugs. This is a story of an IDOR I reported on an Asian fashion eCommerce website’s private program. Let’s get on with the story:

The Feature:

Like most eCommerce websites, this website provided a feature to store addresses in the customer’s account. The Account section had an option to manage addresses. The address management API calls looked like these:

Note: Requests have been URL decoded for better readability

Create An Address:
POST /customer/address/create/?ajax=true&address_id= HTTP/1.1

Edit An Address:
POST /customer/address/edit/?ajax=true&address_id=2417909 HTTP/1.1

AddressForm[first_name]=Name&AddressForm[last_name]=Two&AddressForm[cell_phone]=98989898&phone_prefix=8,9&phone_len=7&AddressForm[phone]=&AddressForm[address1]=Lkb 122, asdsaasd sad Rd&AddressForm[address2]=12-321&AddressForm[postcode]=423122&AddressForm[fk_customer_address_region]=&AddressForm[city]=Singapore&AddressForm[fk_country]=198&AddressForm[id_customer_address]=2417909
Delete An Address:
GET /customer/address/delete/?address_id=2418179&YII_CSRF_TOKEN=token HTTP/1.1

Note that there are two injection points for triggering an IDOR in the above requests, except for delete. One in the URL query parameter and another in the POST body parameter. I tried all possible ways to impact an address that I did not own by changing the id’s being passed in the request. I tried things like Parameter Pollution, Passing multiple IDs in a array, varying values in the query parameter and body parameter. But none of them seemed to work.

While hunting further on the application, I noticed that it provided an option to add an address in the checkout flow as well. The thing that caught my attention was that the endpoint called to create an address from the checkout flow was different than the one we saw above. The create address request from checkout flow looked like this:

POST /checkout/shipment/saveaddress/ HTTP/1.1


I immediately tried manipulating the value of the “AddressForm[id_customer_address]” parameter and set it to an address ID belonging to another test account I had created. I checked the ID of the newly created address and the ID returned from the server matched the ID I had entered when creating the request. Feeling elated, I headed over to the other test account to check if the address was deleted from there. I refreshed the page, but somehow the address with the same ID was present there as well and the information contained in the address was unaffected. The manipulated request had caused no visible impact to the victim account’s address.

While I was still logged into the victim’s account, I attempted to edit the target address in the victim’s account. To my surprise, as soon as I tried to edit it, the address disappeared from the list of address in the victim’s account. I realized that something has happened because of my malformed request.

I used the same technique again to delete another address from victim’s account. This time to verify the change, I logged out and logged in again to the victim’s account. This time when I visited the Address Management page, the target address was no longer present in the victim’s account. This proved that I was able to delete addresses from other users’ accounts by manipulating the “AddressForm[id_customer_address]” parameter.

I came to the conclusion that a logout was required to see the change because the request was probably being served by a cache server and hence the address was still visible in the victim’s account after deletion. This is true for a lot of websites. Any unintended changes to a user’s information are reflected when a new session is created.

If you have any feedback or would like to ask any questions related to hacking, hit me up on twitter @ameyanekar. My DMs are open.

IDOR through MongoDB Object IDs Prediction Tue, 25 Aug 2020 18:42:43 +0000 This post assumes that you have a fair understanding of what an IDOR is. If you are not familiar with IDORs, I would recommend reading the below articles before moving ahead:

Whenever I start application testing, IDORs is the first category of bugs I look for. Two reasons behind it:

  1. Easy to test
  2. Straightforward to conclude whether vulnerable or not

Historically, system developers have been assigning auto-incrementing integer identifiers to database rows. This made it trivial to exploit IDORs. Just one vulnerability could allow exfiltration of all objects belonging to any user in the application. Same goes for delete or edit IDORs.

With the introduction of MongoDB, developers started depending on Mongo Object IDs as identifiers. Mongo Object IDs provided some degree of randomness to the identifiers. However, these object IDs are not truly random. Infact, they are barely random. It is still trivial to predict Mongo Object IDs based just one know valid Object ID from the application.

Structure of a Mongo Object ID:

Mongo Object IDs are 12-byte hexadecimal strings. Calling it a string is not technically correct, but for the sake of this post, it is OK to consider them as strings. From a character length perspective, they are made of 24 hexadecimal numbers. These 12 bytes or 24 characters are not entirely random. MongoDB Object IDs follow the following pattern:

For example, here’s how we can dissect an actual Object ID returned by an application: 5f2459ac9fa6dc2500314019

  1. 5f2459ac: 1596217772 in decimal = Friday, 31 July 2020 17:49:32
  2. 9fa6dc: Machine Identifier
  3. 2500: Process ID
  4. 314019: An incremental counter

Of the above elements, machine identifier will remain the same for as long as the database is running the same physical/virtual machine. Process ID will only change if the MongoDB process is restarted. Timestamp will be updated every second.

The only challenge in guessing Object IDs by simply incrementing the counter and timestamp values, is the fact that Mongo DB generates Object IDs and assigns Object IDs at a system level. Object IDs are not incremented at a collection (Mongo equivalent for relational database tables) level. Say, for example, if you are testing an extremely busy application, and two users register on the application within a difference of 1 second. If there were no other Object IDs being generated on the system apart from these users, the last part of the Object ID would just be incremented by 1 and the timestamp would be incremented by 1 second. But on a really busy system, MongoDB can generate thousand of Object IDs per second. So, although these users were created just 1 second apart, their counters can be thousand places away from each other.

Although not trivial, it is still fairly predictable. You do not need to predict Object IDs for testing an IDOR. For testing, you can just create two accounts like usual and try accessing other user’s information using the identifier. Once, you have established that an endpoint is vulnerable to IDOR, you can then go ahead to predict Object IDs to increase severity of the vulnerability.

Tool: mongo-objectid-predict

I found this really useful tool written by andresriancho:

With the default setting, given a seed Object ID, it sends back about 1000 probable Object IDs that could have possibly been assigned to your victim’s resource. Here’s what the output looks like:

Once, you have the list of valid Object IDs, you can import these values in Burp intruder or run them on a custom script to test if they are valid.

If you have any feedback or would like to ask any questions related to hacking, hit me up on twitter @ameyanekar. My DMs are open.

How I Reported a DoS Vulnerability to AWS Wed, 11 Mar 2020 00:01:09 +0000

As much as I love reading bug hunting stories, I enjoy writing them too. This story was waiting long in my drafts pending disclosure approval from two companies involved with this bug. In my bug hunting stories, I intend to document my thought process, which concentrates on what didn’t work as much as on what worked. So let’s get on with the story…

Chapter 1: Strange Behaviour Encountered
While hunting for bugs on a private program, I came across a weird endpoint. I had been hunting on this  platform for quite a few days until then. When I was going through the Sitemap on Burp, I realised an endpoint – ‘/administrator’. In so many days of my testing, I had never come across this endpoint. Obviously, this endpoint must have been hidden somewhere without an actual call to the endpoint ever being made and Burp picked it up through scraping. Excited on reading the word ‘administrator’, I jumped right into my browser and requested In response, I got a JSON reading:

{"message": “[X.X.X.X] Thanks for the visit."}

where X.X.X.X was my IP address. “Hmm.. strange behaviour”, I thought at first. When I checked my Burp logs, I realized that this endpoint was redirecting to:

And this was the actual endpoint that was sending the above mentioned response. I tried to directory brute force it, but I got the same result on all requests. Not able to figure out what was going on, I decided to keep this aside and focus on finding bugs on the visible attack surface of the platform.

Chapter 2: It Got Stranger:
But guess what, I was no longer able to access the platform. Whenever I tried to, I was welcomed with CloudFront 403 Forbidden page:

CloudFront 403 Forbidden

Strange. Time for a hypothesis:

Hypothesis #1: My IP was blocked for visiting the /administrator endpoint

To test this hypothesis, I tried changing my IP address through a VPN and was able to access the platform again. Then I tried visiting this /administrator endpoint through the VPN. Now, when I tried accessing the site again – “Blocked”. So, Hypothesis #1 was proven. Visiting the /administrator gets your IP into some sort of a blacklist. My immediate intuition was that there is something very important at this endpoint for the platform to have it configured in such a restrictive way. So, I had to probe further.

Chapter 3: I thought I was on a winning trail
Excited to probe further, I built my next hypothesis.
Hypothesis #2: Something super critical is hidden behind this endpoint

I wanted to understand what was being used to perform build the blacklist. So, I did the following Google search:

execute-api "Thanks for the visit”

And the very first result was this SANS document:

On searching within the document for the term “Thanks for the visit”, I was thrown to some source code written on Page 27 of the document, an excerpt of which can be seen below.

Excerpt From The Source Code

On reading the heading, I was like: “WTF! A honeypot? I was lured by a honeypot and got myself blacklisted. Damn!”. So, Hypothesis #2 was disproven. There was nothing critical behind this endpoint.

Chapter 4: About To Drop Testing
I wasn’t finding anything interesting behind this endpoint and thought that I should drop testing it and figure out a way to get out of the blacklist by contacting the site support. As I was about to give up on this endpoint, I noticed this line of code in the SANS document:

source_ip = event['headers']['X-Forwarded-For'].encode('utf8').split(',')[0].strip()

“X-Forwarded-For, Interesting!”, I said to myself. So, the endpoint was using the XFF header to determine the IP address to be blacklisted. I had read bug reports earlier where the target server behaved differently when XFF header was sent by the client. Another hypothesis came to my mind.

Hypothesis #3: If I passed my own XFF header along with the request, I can fool the endpoint to pick the IP address in the header instead of picking my actual IP address.

Now, this was a far-fetched hypothesis which I had presumed to not work, but was anyways going to test it. So, lets see what happened when I tested this:

The Reflection

Well, well! My hypothesis was half proven. The endpoint responds with the IP address in the XFF header instead of returning my actual IP address. I say half-proven because I wanted to ensure that I am also able to get that IP address in the XFF header blocked. The test for this was simple.

Chapter 5: The Litmus Test

  • Installed a VPN extension, called Betternet, for Chrome and enabled the VPN.
  • Verified that I was able to access the site through the VPN.
  • Checked my VPN public IP address by googling ‘What is my IP’.
  • Sent the below request through Burp repeater where X.X.X.X was the VPN IP: (this request will not go through the VPN because the VPN is just running as an extension on Chrome)
GET /ProdStage/administrator HTTP/1.1
X-Forwarded-For: X.X.X.X
Connection: close
  • The response reflects back the IP address from the XFF header as expected. Now, it was time to check whether the VPN IP was actually blacklisted.
  • I tried accessing the site through the same VPN and guess what! I was welcomed with a sweet CloudFront 403 Forbidden page. Hypothesis #3 proved!

Let me explain the impact of this vulnerability. An attacker who passes random IP addresses through the XFF header to this endpoint will end up blacklisting legitimate users from the platform. With enough brute force, the attacker can end up adding the entire public IP range to the blacklist effectively causing a massive Denial of Service. Also, an attacker can affect a platform’s Google ranking by blacklisting Google crawler IP addresses.

Chapter 6: Digging Further

Before reporting this right away to the program, my mind started to prepare another hypothesis. I asked myself, “Could this possibly be a problem with AWS?”.

Hypothesis #4: Since this endpoint is hosted on AWS, maybe this honeypot is part of an AWS service offering and a lot of people may be using it.

I tried to think of a Google Dork that could help me search for all such endpoints. But, then I realized that site admins would not be so stupid to have Google crawl this endpoint and block it from indexing the entire site. To see if I was right I headed to robots.txt of the site I was testing and there the very first entry of the Disallow directive was: /administrator. So, I knew right away that Google Dorking would be futile.

To know more about this endpoint, I started my research by googling “Bad Bot Parser Function” and somehow ended up on this Github Repository:

Specifically, on this file:

The code in this file looked almost similar to the one I found in the SANS deck Page 27 above. This repository was owned by “Amazon Web Services – Labs” and it was a verified account, so this proved my hypothesis #4. This endpoint was offered by AWS as a feature for blocking automated bots, spiders from scraping the website.

Also, on reading the code I realized that this is an AWS Lambda function. Actually, I should have concluded this on seeing the “execute-api” endpoint itself. But, we learn from experience. If I had to report this to AWS, I should have concrete evidence that my hypothesis stands correct for this code as well and is not isolated to the program I was testing. Again, this can easily be proven by just looking at the handler function code. But, the auditor inside me said: “We need to find blood on the floor” to make a strong report.

Chapter 7: Demonstrating our hypothesis

Well, I followed the instructions on the repo to setup my own AWS Honeypot. This AWS CloudFormation Template made it trivial for me to set it up within 15 minutes. Once, I had this setup, and got the unique honeypot URL, it was time to test it out. I followed the same steps that I did for testing the program’s /administrator endpoint and saw that my Lambda function reflected back the IP address passed in the XFF header. So, this proved Hypothesis #4 yet again for a different sample.

Before, reporting this bug to AWS, I wanted to get to the root cause of why this was happening. I headed over to AWS CloudWatch for checking my Lambda instance logs. To give you some background, Lambda services expose an ‘event’ JSON object which can be used in the handler code. As can be seen from the source code, the source_ip is extracted as follows:

source_ip = event['headers']['X-Forwarded-For'].split(',')[0].strip()

So, I had to check what was the value of event[‘headers’][‘X-Forwarded-For’] in my logs. Below is a screenshot of one such log:

CloudWatch Logs

In the screenshot, was the IP I passed through the XFF header and the masked IP was my actual IP.

I concluded from the logs that a reverse proxy was handling the request first and then setting the XFF header before forwarding it to our Lambda function. But instead of replacing the XFF header that was passed by the client, it appended IP addresses to the request. So, the user passed XFF header IP address will always end up in the first position in the comma separated list of IP addresses. So, when the above line of code splits the value by commas and picks the 0th element of the resultant array, it will always end up with the user-passed XFF header IP address.

Chapter 8: The Report

I reported this to AWS and also to the H1 program through which I found this. The engineers at the program company were quick to fix it and they also pointed me to the repo which holds the vulnerable code. They suggested that I open a public GitHub issue to have the repo fix it. But since this had security implications, I decided against opening a public issue at that point.

After exchanging a few emails with the AWS Security Team, they acknowledged the issue and suggested that I open up a pull request to get the attention of the repository owners. This got me a bit excited because I always wanted to contribute to open source projects and had never got a good use case where I could contribute.

Chapter 9: The Fix

I contributed one line of code to the repository to fix this vulnerability and I created my first ever GitHub pull request:

Note the screenshot of the CloudWatch log above. The actual IP address of the client can be seen in two places:
1. event[‘headers’][‘X-Forwarded-For’]
2. event[‘requestContext’][‘identity’][‘sourceIp’]

For event[‘headers’][‘X-Forwarded-For’], I could see that the actual IP address is always the second to last element in the comma-separated list of IP addresses in the XFF header. So, instead of picking 0th element from the comma separated array, the code could pick (len-2)nd element. That would ensure that the correct IP address always gets picked. However, this solution is not future-proof. Say, a change is made to the network architecture which adds or removes components between the reverse proxy server and the endpoint and that new component is now adding its own IP address to the list. This would cause the reverse proxy server’s IP to be the 2nd last element and the endpoint would again end up blacklisting the wrong IP address.

event[‘requestContext’][‘identity’][‘sourceIp’], however, was quite reliable and free of any ambiguity. The actual IP address is just a string which can simply be sent to the WAF for blacklisting, avoiding the unnecessary logic of splitting and picking the source IP address. Here’s the simple code diff for my fix:

-        source_ip = event['headers']['X-Forwarded-For'].split(',')[0].strip()
+        source_ip = event['requestContext']['identity']['sourceIp']

This bug hunting experience was a great learning experience for me. It was fun as it allowed me to learn a lot of new things and really made me think from the defensive side as well.


Kudos to Dan and Zack from AWS Security for being supportive throughout the process.

Something about the format of my bounty hunting stories:

Thank you for reading so far. When trying to read bug hunting articles, I always try to understand the thought process of the hacker behind the find. Just concentrating on the PoC won’t take us far. Understanding and adapting your thought process is key to bounty hunting. Hence, instead of just writing what worked, I focus on writing what did not work on way to the final step that led to the attack.

Happy Hacking!

How I discovered an SSRF leading to AWS Metadata Leakage Mon, 10 Feb 2020 18:21:44 +0000 I am writing this story to share an experience I had recently discovering an SSRF vulnerability for a private program on H1. Since the program is private, I won’t divulge much information related to the platform, rather I will discuss my thought process when testing for this vulnerability.

The Vulnerable Endpoint

This platform allowed user to upload a bunch of filetypes. To be precise about the filetype the platform supported, I am just going to post the input file HTML tag straight from the page:

<input type="file" class="button button--invert" onclick="this.value = null;" ngf-accept="file_input_accept_string || utils.FILE_INPUT_ACCEPT_STRING" ngf-select="onFileSelect($files)" accept=".jpg,.jpeg,.png,.tiff,.eps,.ico,.gif,.bmp,.txt,.md,.pdf,.html,.htm,.rtf,.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pps,.ppsx,.pptx,.dot,.dotx,.xlt,.xltx,.odt,.oth,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odi,.oxt,.csv,audio/*,text/*,application/msword*,application/*,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.*,application/pdf">

Whatever filetype you upload to the platform, it converts the file to a PDF soon after upload. One filetype that caught my eye from the above list was “.html”. I started mentally reverse engineering the server backend responsible for generating the PDF from the HTML file.

Hypothesis #1:
My initial guess was that the server must be using some sort of a headless browser to render the HTML page and then exporting the page to PDF. My best guess was that it would be a headless Chromium running via Puppeteer. It was time to verify my hypothesis. I put together a basic HTML file and checked Burp for the response body when downloading the PDF file. Turned out, it wasn’t using Headless Chrome. PDFs created using headless Chrome have a Creator tag with the value “Skia/PDF m77”. Skia is graphics library created and maintained by Google. It is responsible for the ‘Save As PDF’ feature you use on Chrome. Hypothesis #1 disproven.

I had no other hypothesis to understand how this PDF must have been generated. Now, was the time to probe deeper. I wanted to understand if the rendering engine used by the backed attempted to access external resources referenced in the webpage.

Question #1: Does the renderer access external resources?
I put together this simple HTML to test if external resources are accessed.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <img src=""/>

Let’s see what the server produces for us:

The answer is YES. The server does download external resources. This is where I realized that I may find a wonderful SSRF here. Moving ahead. Next question that came to my mind.

Question #2: How does the HTTP request look like when the server fetches external resources?
To check for SSRF, most people like to use Burp Collaborator. I, on the other hand, like to use So, I created a postbin and generated the following HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <img src=""/>

Now, let’s see what the server gives out. I uploaded this file, waited for the PDF generation to complete and headed over to to check the fetch log. This is what had to show:


Large programs will accept and award such a report because it exposes the real IP address of the requesting server. But I did not stop here. I wanted real impact to show.

On further analyzing the HTTP request, I noticed this weird looking user-agent string: wkhtmltopdf. The name itself reveals half the story. This is probably some library used by the server to convert HTML files to PDF. I googled it and was directed to OK, so my Question #1 was answered. This is how the server converted HTML to PDF. This also partially proves Hypothesis #1 because wkhtmltopdf is indeed a headless user agent.

Now that I had a confirmed SSRF, it was time to try accessing sensitive endpoints or attempt to access internal files. Through initial recon, I had learned that this server was hosted on AWS. So the most sensitive endpoint to test would be the AWS Instance Metadata Service. More about this here:

Hypothesis #2:
‘wkhtmltopdf’ will render sensitive data on the renderer before processing the output to a PDF. To test this hypothesis, I used the following payload:


And here’s what the server gives us:


Hypothesis Proven. That’s impact right there. It feels great to report such critical findings to programs. I reported this vulnerability at night. It was triaged the next morning by H1 staff and rated Critical with a score of 10.0. Sweet!

As a side note, most of the SSRF PoCs will have an attempt to access the internal network. That is true for traditional on-premise hosted servers. On the cloud, that’s not true, unless the company is running a VPC.

Something about the format of my bounty hunting stories:

If you have read to this point, you would probably be wondering that this article does not deserve this length. It would have been easier for the reader if the main PoC was summed up in the first or second para. Yes, you are right. But, I write for myself. When trying to read bug bounty articles, I always try to look for the thought process of the hacker behind the find. Just concentrating on the PoC won’t take you far. Understanding and adapting your thought process is key to bounty hunting. Hence, instead of just writing what worked, I focus on writing how I reached to the final step that leads to the attack.

Happy Hacking!
